What is Social Media Amplification?

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People rely on social media to catch up with what’s happening and get a glimpse of the next big thing. Consequently, internet users spend an average of 147 minutes daily on social media accounts. As such, it’s paramount that your social media content appears on the feeds people scroll through.

In other words, you want your marketing content to have a strategic spot on social media channels. Sometimes, it takes time to see your marketing effort yield any tangible results. However, you can change the narrative through social media amplification.

Introduction to Social Media Amplification

Social amplification entails promoting and distributing your brand messaging through various social media platforms. The strategy aims to raise brand awareness and increase the ROI of generated content. Besides, the right social media amplification strategy can boost your brand’s online presence and grow your social media following.

Moreover, an effective amplification strategy contributes to more:

  • Web traffic
  • Social sharing
  • Reach and impressions
  • Lead generation
  • Engagement
  • Backlinks
  • Leads and conversions
  • Sales and revenue

With this in mind, you must look at social media amplification to strengthen your brand’s presence. Most importantly, take your time to ensure you do it correctly.

How to Amplify Content on Social Media

The social media landscape is highly competitive. Therefore, you need a robust content amplification strategy to drive traffic, build authority, and extend your reach to potential customers. As a starting point, you can use paid and owned media amplification strategies to promote content, target a larger audience, and boost conversions. More than 84% of B2B content marketers employed paid distribution platforms to amplify their marketing campaigns in 2020.

Paid Media

Social media amplification through paid media includes strategies like:

  • Promoted posts or social media advertising – 83%
  • Pay per click (PPC) or paid search – 65%
  • Sponsorship, including booths and events – 60%
  • Banner ads – 48%
  • Native ads – 35%
  • Partner emails- 33%
  • Others – 3%

LinkedIn ads (80%) and Facebook ads (67%) are the top paid channels, followed by Twitter (27%) and Instagram ads (26%.

Owned Media

These are your business’s online assets, including the company website and blog, email lists, and social media platforms. The goal of the great content you share on owned media is to drive organic traffic to your site. Fortunately, owned media belongs to you, and you can do what you deem best to amplify your content.

Other channels of social media amplification include:

Earned Media

Earned media is the coverage you get from referrals from customers, word-of-mouth, public relations, and influencers. The mentions generate organic social media and website traffic.

Shared Media

When you use organic social media, you gain opportunities to reach out to audiences passionate about your type of content. You can find them right where they are, particularly in groups known as online communities. However, the rules and algorithms of social networks keep changing. Thus, ensure you keep up with them to stay ahead of the competition.

Native Advertising

Native advertising is paid content that doesn’t interrupt the user experience. It takes the form of advertorials, sponsored posts, branded content, and promoted posts. Interestingly, native advertising has a 40 times higher click-through rate than banner ads.

Authoritative Backlinks

High-quality backlinks from authority sites are highly effective in driving blog traffic and boosting Google ranking. They’re a novel approach to SEO, allowing you to receive quality backlinks from sites like Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Forbes, or Huffington Post, which are authority sites. All the same, keep in mind that this won’t happen if you don’t create high-quality content with enormous value to the audience.

Smart Social Buttons

Social buttons like “follow,” “share,” or “like” are excellent tools for promoting your audience to engage with your content. A high number of likes, shares, followers, or comments adds credibility to the content in owned media.

Email Outreach

Building an email marketing program is an effective and reliable white hat SEO technique you should master for content amplification. It enables you to generate contextual traffic, links, and revenue for your content pieces, including social media posts.

Content Syndication

Consider pushing your content on third-party sites and platforms in the form of a thumbnail, link, snippet, or full article. Content syndication is an excellent content marketing strategy for amplification.

Collaboration with Influencers

Without a proper influencer marketing strategy, influencer mentions, tweets, and shares risk getting lost in the content deluge on social media. Hence, consider designing influencer campaigns that create brand advocacy and generate quality backlinks. Besides, develop a link-building relationship with influencers for content amplification in the long run.

Final Thoughts

Your content could have the right mix of elements to get it to the target audience. Unfortunately, it might not meet your expectations in engagement and conversion. The problem could be that you haven’t employed social media amplification strategies. With the above amplification strategies, your business should be able to see reliable results if you apply them consistently.

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